About this fundraiser

This is my best friend, John.  He desperately needs a hand up. He’s been struggling to catch up his back rent after spending time in the hospital as a result of a chronic illness. He lost his job due to illness, got another one, but he has been reduced to part-time hours only, also due to illness. He won’t apply for Disability because he believes there are people out who need it more than him. He did however, apply to Wake County, through Social Services, to get assistance with his back rent. He was told Wake County is not offering assistance at this time.  Part-time pay is just enough to cover his rent and the bare minimum of his expenses with zero left over to put towards the back rent that accumulated during his hospital stay and the period between jobs.  
I have tried to help out as much as I could; now I am asking for help to help him.  He’s such a good person, with a heart as big as Texas.  He has always been the one who helped others whenever he saw a need. It pains him greatly to be on the other end now.  
$1,200 would catch up the back rent and cover about two additional weeks, which would help him significantly and it would relieve an enormous amount of stress off of him. For most people, $1,200 wouldn’t be the end of the world, we could chip away at it bit by bit until it was caught up, but to my friend, it seems impossible and it’s taking a toll on his mental health. 
Neither of us have ever asked anyone for anything.  Thankfully, we were the ones offering a hand up to others, but sadly the table has turned. 
Any amount offered is better than nothing and would certainly help to chip away at the back rent. I’m sure it would also do wonders for the burden he’s carrying and the desperation he is feeling. 
With so many people in need, thank you for considering my friend in his time of need. Life is hard, we could all use a hand up once in a while.  

Organized by


Raleigh, NC, USA
