About this fundraiser

Before accident and was finally and adjusting after being homeless 2 years and was not able to keep working really volunteering for many years in 3 states for Veterans and Hospice Patients. I live what I do just been very difficult to get back in my routine. My goal is getting back to what brings me joy and complete than you and I appreciate you taking time to see what's going on in consideration else's time in need..THANK YOU wow i have never had a credit card and have not had a bask account for over 20years agoall I know advise from people and still don't know what to do,  i was born with a rare eye birth defect and now losin  my vision on good eye only have 3 more days at a cabin where we have a membership with thousand trials ÷^2=%3%÷32=&5&+"=&




Organized by

Elsie Campos

Menifee, CA, USA
