About this fundraiser

I am starting this fundraiser because I was considered a bad kid I spent many years locked away I finally after many years learned I was very stupid missing my children's lives for the last 6 years I have changed my life I am a contractor and for the last 5 years I worked for a slum lord taking care of over 500 properties I learned why there are so many homeless these people are horrible people I would like to buy some property and open a place where the homeless can choose to come and be a part of a community show them how to build and grow and care for themselves  a place to call home so please anything can help i have tried on my own and just don't have the credit score to help by myself but no one should ever have to live on the street with all the un used property just sitting and rotting thank you for all your help

Organized by

Jason Brewer

New Castle, PA, USA
