About this fundraiser

S.O.S - renoviction - currently in process of suing with an open case against the landlord for bad faith eviction among many other illegal actions he made against us. we are a family of 3 and a cat in a van, low income and desperately hoping to stay together and avoid shelters while we can secure a place. we are in need of emergency funds to sustain motel costs, food, gas, and basic necessities. we are currently reaching out to all resources and have exhausted them, using food banks, anything we can to stay above water. any donations of any kind, $5 even would mean a loaf of bread.. it not only would mean the absolute world to us it would quite literally mean breathing room for us as we continue to house search. we know everyone in the world is struggling right now, these are very hard times we are living in and a little bit of support and kindness goes a long way, we all have to band together and pay it forward. we never thought in a million years this could ever be our situation, i think we all say “it'll never happen to me.” we are also seeking and asking for any advice, resources, connections for homeless etc, anything that anyone may know for emergency services. thank you so much if you even took the time to read and consider and God bless your heart if you choose to donate.

Organized by

Ryan Ashford

Surrey, BC, Canada
