About this fundraiser

This is the first time I’ve asked for help and needed it this badly. I’ve hit rock bottom with how many things keep getting thrown my way. I am 9months pregnant with baby #3 and I am unable to work at my new job for medical reasons which may keep me out of work and require surgery after the normal maternity leave for an additional  10 weeks minimum. I have gone through the hardest time because my job is new to me and I don’t qualify for paid leave but my doctor made it clear I need to think of myself and the baby first so work is not an option. I’ve been out since April with no income and all other routes have been tried and exhausted. I am facing child care fees that are not covered, car repairs that are immediately necessary, not to mention gas to get anywhere, my new storage unit was broken into and robbed which means I lost many necessities and keepsakes along with all my child clothes and necessities I had prepped for next stages for all 3 kids and multiple valuables I thought I was keeping safe, I am behind now with things like rent and utilities and other bills from trying to adjust and keep things afloat. Now I have nothing left and am falling behind fast with nothing to move forward with and keep my family stable while I’m bringing this new baby into the world and healing after. I’m praying and trusting that God has us and that the advice of starting a fundraiser and all the resources that have been shared may help my family through this time of struggle and fear. Anything and everything helps. I just want to make sure my babies have a home and that I can get them to and from school safely and bring this baby into a safe space where I know we are going to be alright. The support this would bring over the many next trying months will keep my children safe healthy and cared for I Pray this is the right thing and that any blessings received  get reflected back to those who were able to be a blessing, Thank you .

Organized by

shianne anderson

Minneapolis, MN, USA
