About this fundraiser

After noticing buddy wasn't feeling so great I gave it about 2 weeks thinking it's just a fly by nite bug (he's had plenty) and will feel better in a day or 2 this time he's sleeping way more than usual and so I took it up on myself to reach out to avet on chewy.com and after explaining some symptoms 1 major things stood out to me a glands infection possiblity so… ever since l found out ibeen looking For any kind of assistance I can find i found 1 plave laet nightvaftervibsentba emsol to apply tgetbsaidbtgeybonly sccepted ppl from certsin coujties…. Go figure🙄 so the best insurance plan iv found for him so far  is 33$ idk y itbmsde me pick 50$ minimum if anyone could help with the initial 33 I'll b sure to pay it forward tia… 😓

Organized by

Jordan Pelletier

Bristol, NH, USA
