About this fundraiser

Hello everyone, Jazz here 👋🏽

I had my daughter Sawyer in 2014 when I was 20 years old and raised her as a single mama for 9 years. Sawyer changed my life for the better and I have felt so blessed to have her as my daughter. 

In 2018, I gave birth to a baby girl named Hannah, she was a surrogate baby and it was an amazing and beautiful opportunity to learn about myself, the world and to give back to the most amazing couple who unfortunately were not able to conceive. 

 I always knew I wanted another baby but I just did not see the possibility financially and realistically as a single mom and did not want to be in a relationship until it felt right and felt like something that was going to last for forever. 

Then I met Michael. 

Mike and I met surfing, we had a handful of surf sessions together filled with good waves at many of our favorite breaks. Our connection was powerful. 

Soon, we introduced our kids (he has 3 kids) and decided to go camp San Elijo in San Diego together. We loved seeing how well our kids connected. We loved watching each other in our primal Mommy and Daddy role. 

Soon after that is when our love story began. We spent every single day together and truly became best friends.

Not long after that, I went to see my OBGYN because I was having pain on my ovaries and had to get an ultrasound because a previous doctor had told me I had a mass on one of my ovaries and a cyst on the other. 

While getting the ultrasound done, I asked the tech if everything was okay and she printed a photo, handed it to me and said “I’m pretty sure you’re pregnant but wait for the doctor to call you“. 

I was in shock and disbelief and FaceTimed Mike and started crying, he was at our house doing some construction work. He told me to come home and when I got home, he held me in his arms and said everything will be okay and it all is for a reason that we are together. 

I truly believe God has gifted us with baby Wilder. Blending our family has been a whirlwind of so much beauty, so many lessons and so much growth. I know Mike and I are here to be teachers and great parents, to raise these kids with love and to create something special. 

My vision for my 2 previous births was to have natural, water births. The dream doesn’t always go as planned and I ended up having 2, very traumatic hospital births. I have had mistreatment, been medically gaslit for years and have had so many struggles with the Western medical system. 

My body, mind, heart and soul desires to reclaim the magic of birth. I choose to liberate myself and have our baby safely at home with a midwife and her assistant, my friend and doula, my mother, my daughter and with Mike. 

This would be such a special moment for us and would mean that we could escape the trauma of the hospital, the bright lights, the beeping monitors, nurses and doctors that aren’t the most nurturing and empathetic (in my experiences) and the opportunity to have a tranquil, peaceful, divine, radiant birth as intended by God! 

Many of you who know me, know that I never feel comfortable asking for anything from anyone, I am learning to ask for help and learning to let go of ego and pride. I surrender with all of me with the deepest form of gratitude, for any donation towards hiring our midwife. 

I will continue to pay it forward in other ways that I can, whenever I can. 

I am currently 37 weeks and it’s go time! Wilder will be coming soon. Any amount helps and if you can’t donate, please just share it on your pages! 

Thank you, with love,  from the bottom of my heart and from this baby heartbeat growing inside of me! 

~Jazz, Mike, Baby Wilder Blue



Organized by

Jasmynn Stocksdale

Huntington Beach, CA, USA
