Latest update as of May 30, 2024

  • Broc the Rock Final Update!!!

    Hello Team Broc the Rock!!!

    I apologize for the delay in updates.
    This one is worth the wait! I do not have all the information, so this will be short and very very sweet...

    He finished up his 4th and final round in TX. He was able to "ring the bell", and has been monitored over the past couple weeks. The team has decided he is good to come home with follow-ups here in MT!

    Thank you does not cut it... our family is eternally grateful for the outpouring of love, support, and prayer during this time.

    Please continue to pray for Broc as his body heals. Please pray for the family as Broc and Maranda return home. This will, as you can imagine, be quite the transition into a new normal again with everyone home. Pray for peace of heart, mind, body, and spirit. Pray for continued health and that there are minimal to no long-lasting effects.

    We are in awe of the many many ways in which God provided during this time, and of the strength He gave Broc the Rock to battle the nasty beast of cancer. He is always with us in the storm, and we thank you all for holding that space in prayer with us. Victory! Remission!


About this fundraiser


02/29/2024 BROC UPDATE:


Lil Broc crushed his first round of chemo at the beginning of this week!  His side effects are subsiding. Praise God! Broc and his Mama will be staying up in Kalispell, as mentioned, so that Broc's team may monitor him closely. They are near the hospital in a hotel at the moment, hoping to move into better housing within a day. The housing part has been quite the run-around, so please pray for peace there. 

Praiseworthy Blessings this week: 

  1. Broc's nurse, who has been around since day #1, once again went to bat for him and the whole family! She saved the day early on by finding an issue and bringing it to the team's attention.  She has proven to be an angel during this whole ordeal. God Bless Pediatric Oncology Nurses!!
  2. Wow! You all have really shown up! Thank you so much for the love and support that you've poured out in various ways this week. None of it goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Bless you all!!

Struggles to pray for this week:

  1. Miscommunication regarding housing has led to frustration for the family. Please pray these things are rectified. Pray for peace and discernment for Jaycen and Maranda.
  2. Broc's side effects had him not eating much for a few days. He is now! But please pray that he continues to eat well and that his little body is strengthened to continue his fight strong.

Thank you all for keeping up the fight! Please continue recruiting others to Join the Fight. No one fights alone!




Hello, my name is Ashley.  To Broc, I go by Auntie. As you all may know by now, shortly after his 6th birthday this year, Broc underwent emergency surgery that resulted in the findings of Diffuse Large B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

The "C" word is not something anyone is ever expecting to hear, let alone in a kiddo. To say the news was heartbreaking is a gross understatement. There are no words to describe that pain and fear. I can't even pretend to know what that felt like for my brother Jaycen, as Broc's father, and Maranda, as his mother. I will tell you though, those two are fierce warriors for their son! Broc is fighting this beast, but he is not alone!

Broc's pediatric oncology team is at the Logan Health Children's Hospital in Kalispell, MT. Through a bumpy week of surgeries, tests, and scans they have a game plan to attack the Stage 3 cancer.

With both parents at Broc's side, he is undergoing a series of chemo treatments to target the lymphoma. Their team is hopeful, and "Broc the Rock" is doing well with minimal side effects thus far.

No one likes the helpless feeling that comes with a child's cancer diagnosis. The biggest question people keep asking is... "What can I do?". These are the moments when we get to come together in support. I want to thank you for taking the time to check in and for asking the question. It's one of those that is so difficult to answer. Especially if you're asking Jaycen or Maranda at this time. Right now, their minds are fully consumed with getting Broc the care he needs. That's where we as a family get to step in. We get to take care of them, as they take care of Broc.

Our family has found several ways in which folks can "Join the Fight" and support the Cole family at this time:

1. We all know the financial weight that a devastating medical emergency like this has, so monetary donations are certainly welcome on this platform. All donations will go toward maintaining their daily living expenses, rent of the housing they are staying at in Kalispell, siblings' travel to and from Cascade, and medical bills that will inevitably be coming in.


2. Restaurant gift cards! Jaycen, Maranda, and Broc are living up in Kalispell during this time. Hospital food gets old really fast.


3. Walmart gift cards! When not at the hospital, they are living in a duplex near the hospital. They will need groceries and hygiene products. Also, the siblings living back home in Cascade need to eat!


4. Gift cards to North 40 feed store in Great Falls. They have a small zoo; horses, 3 dogs, cats, quail, rabbits, fish... they too need to be fed!


5. Letters of Encouragement! Broc needs to feel the love, and so does the entire family. Jaycen, Maranda, and the other kiddos Paige, Brylee, and Wyatt. Please keep letters encouraging, prayerful, and uplifting. Kindly avoid suggestions, advice, or asking for updates from them personally. This adds to their plate, which is what we are trying to relieve.

While prayer may not be a tangible thing... it is truly the most important thing that the Cole family needs at this time. Pray for Broc as he battles through not just the cancer itself, but the piles of trauma that came with it all, missing his friends, family, his school, and his life before cancer. Pray for Jaycen and Maranda as they experience this nightmare that no parent should ever have to. Pray that they are able to love and care for each other, that their marriage is strengthened through this, and that they are able to rest well. Pray that they are able to love on their other babies as much as possible, and that God provides for them all physically, mentally, and spiritually as they spend so much time apart. Pray for Broc's siblings. This is incredibly difficult on them as well. Not fully understanding, and maybe not knowing how to handle all the emotions that arise at any given moment. Pray for provision, peace, and healing over the entire family.

From our family to yours, we want to say a heartfelt "Thank You". Our communities have already shown up in miraculous ways! Thank you for Joining the Fight in your love, support, and prayers.


Thanks and Blessings to you all,


Team "Broc the Rock"

Organized by

Ashley Umbaugh

Cascade, MT, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Jaycen Cole
