About this fundraiser

Khloee is a beautiful, energetic 7 year old who has been through way more than any  7 year old should. At the age of three she was diagnosed with an astrocytoma brain, tumor and flown to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for mediate surgery. Thank God she got through the surgery well but unfortunately, due to location of the tumor and the surgery she had left side of partial paralysis that required months of physical and occupational therapy. She was discharged from Chop and life began as normal, with the exception of having to undergo chemotherapy, which took a terrible toll on her little body. The chemotherapy she was receiving was carboplatin, and it was responding to shrink the tumor slightly but unfortunately, she became anaphylactic. Add one treatment, and they had to discontinue her treatment. They started a new chemo drug but that seemed to do nothing or make its mark on the cancer so but it did make her very ill to the point that she had to be hospitalized. Numerous times they decided to stop the chemo and we tried for clinical trial, and two that were active. She was denied due to her age, so we continued with every three months MRIs and the tumor seem to be adequate to stand still for a couple of years until this past November she got her MRI and they did show a slight increase in size of the tumor so when we returned in February, it was noted that the tumor was significantly growing and then it needed  to be removed.

The process started again and surgery was set for March 24 with the hope that the neurosurgeon was able to remove the entire tumor but due to Khloee losing functioning more in her mobility and other things they had to stop so the tumor could not be completely removed. Once again, left side partial paralysis worsened, and she was in Chop for two months where she received intensive inpatient therapy and now we are doing outpatient physical and occupational therapy four times a week. We will see you in the oncologist at the end of June to determine what the plan is for the future of the tumor that remains.

The reason we are on here asking for donations is simply due to the fact that we both been on unpaid FMLA for two months and bills keep piling up. Khloee's birthday is coming up on June 29 and the only thing she asked for is to go to the beach for a couple days and of course right now is a very bad time financially with neither of us having any income coming in . It seems like a never ending battle that  will never be won . But we will keep fighting and hopefully someday they will be able to get rid of this horrible thing called cancer ! 
Anything at all is very appreciate it. May God bless each and everyone of you ! 
Thank you, 


Organized by

Dawn Faust

Paxinos, PA, USA
