Latest update as of Jul 31, 2024

  • Praise Report

    Isaiah 41:10 says ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ This verse has been my go to verse since the beginning of this cancer journey. It has been a comfort to know that even though I have no control over my circumstances, God does. He has and is faithful to strengthen me, help me, and uphold me.

    I just received my Pet Scan results and the overall impression reads: Near resolution with the vast majority of previously described subcutaneous, lymphatic, pulmonary, and intracardiac lesions no longer seen on today's examination. A few subcutaneous lesions in the back display mild avidity, greatly decreased from prior.

    There is a song by Mary Mary called Shackles. It has a great beat to it and the main line is “Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance, I just want to praise You, I’m going to praise You.” 🙌🙌. Just picture me dancing singing those words. I am humbled. Part of me wants to cry and the other part wants to shout, so I’m doing a little of both.

    Please continue to pray. This is a lifelong journey. I will see my oncologist in Chapel Hill Friday to discuss ongoing treatment and I will see the doctor in Nashville next week. I believe the Lord used both treatments to bring about these results. Pray that God will give wisdom to the doctors and to me as I make the ultimate decision about how to proceed.

    God has provided for every need. In fact, I was planning for my funeral and all of sudden it hit me one day, why would God keep providing for your needs even before you ask if He isn’t going to heal you? He has used you all in this process. All of you have given with great generosity and prayed wholeheartedly. I could never thank you enough. This is an aggressive cancer, so please, do not quit praying. James 5:16 - Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

    I love you all. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

About this fundraiser

We are starting this page in hopes to help our mom in her battle with cancer. Her name is Kristy, and she is a wife of 37 years, a mom to three and a grandmother to 9. 

About two years back, she as diagnosed with melanoma on her ear which was subsequently removed along with some nearby lymph nodes. All seemed to be well until fall of 2023, when she discovered a very large lump in her hip area. Doctors were fairly puzzled and tests were not conclusive. She had this large lump surgically removed right after Christmas and it was immediately sent for testing. The result was melanoma. Since then, she has met with a number of specialists including a melanoma team at Chapel Hill. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma- it has traveled in her blood. Currently, scans show several spots in her lungs.

Her team has placed her on a very stringent protocol as they move forward with further testing and treatment options. Right now, the protocol alone is over $1000/monthly and she has a number of visits and tests that are very costly and not covered by insurance. 

Though she is the first to help and offer and hand to anyone in need both with time and money, she would never ask that of another. So we, her three girls, have created this space so that any of you who feel so led can contribute to her care. She has caught last minute flights to care for each of us when there has been need, and we have watched her physically care for each of her parents through their last days. She has been an advocate and a caregiver to many over the years, and now she needs us. Please share this so we can help carry this burden with Mama and Daddy!  

Organized by

Meredith Daniel

Maryville, TN, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Kristy Fuss
