On November 1st of 2023 I wore my hijab to work due to me working through the drive through window. A week prior to this I end up with a cold and an ear infection. So to prepare myself for the position I wore my hijab. Nov 1st I walked towards the office said hello to everyone. It was 3 managers in the area so I ask (S) where do she need me and if she needs me to do any prepping. (S) told me no and I can work on line. As I stood in my area a male manager (I) came up to me and said, LOOK AT YOU LOOKING LIKE A LITTLE MUSLIM GIRL, DONT YOU KNOW THEY BE BOMBING BUILDINGS, DONT YOU KNOW YALL BE BOMBING BUILDINGS! All building managers were informed of what male manager (I) said to me. I left out the building in tears. He admitted iwhat he said to managers, said he was joking! I felt so uncomfortable and humiliated. I don’t and never have played with him or any of my co worker. I did inform all managers that I didn’t want to work with and or be around him anymore, I no longer felt safe. Area (SO) area manager never changed my schedule I was forced to work with him. From that day forward I was being taunted, picked on, harassed bulled and so much more. Manager (I) continued to disrespect me, 2 buckets of hot water was thrown on my feet, soaked up my socks and shoes, I was being over worked while everyone else on phone, walking around or out side smoking marijuana, HE was taunting me by singing religious songs which he never did before, and another day he wore a do rag to work mocking me and my religious beliefs. Another day he was spraying a chemical in the build while we had food on the line. He sprayed so much to were I started to gag and had to open the drive through window. Manager (C) already to us that after we closed. Due to the way I was being mistreated and overworked I end up having a panic attack and went home. I failed an EEOC complaint and was issued a RIGHTS TO SUE LETTER ON November 25th of 2024. I have been looking for a lawyer to handle a work religious/ discrimination case. This violated my civil rights as well. I found a lawyer that is willing to file the charges, then in a couple of weeks dismiss the charges. He is asking for $2,000.00. I have exhausted all funds in my account paying for consults. The charges need to be filed asap no later than Feb 25th but possible on the 23rd it take a day or to for filing. Only other choice I have is to do a PRO SE and represent myself. Again I can either dismiss charges and that will give me time to look for a lawyer or try to handle the case in court my self. I have en confidence and proof but no education to understand legal terms. The CHARGES will expire on the 25th. If anyone have any questions or would like proof your more than welcome to email me at Lakeacha1@gmail.com. Thank you all in advance. This is a open case so I’m not allowed to mention the company name publicly or names of persons involved but can over the phone. Thank you all again If I receive and money after deadline I will send money back
Organized by
LaKeacha Anderson
Columbus, NE, USA
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