About this fundraiser

Where to even start, I am in need of financial help. My father has frontal lobe dementia and sundowners. He is now in a fascility and has no income at alll. I took him in , he came down from Alaska to get him diagnosed and after 5 days in the VA hospital they sent him home on vitamins and 2 days later my house was on fire. I have several pets 2 dogs 4 cats and a potbelly pig. I have not been able to work since taking my father in back in May and have exhausted all of my means. My home is being repaired, besides the fire damage the water and smoke damage destroyed my home and just about everything in it.  I have not been able to work as I have all of these pets and still have to care for my father and his needs. Though I can not live in my home for the next year or soo I still have a mortgage to pay and groceries and also all the other bills  that we acquire in life. (Gas insurance, CC , food for my animals) I left the house the night of the fire with what I had on and a pair of flip flops. I am in need of  clothing, winter is coming. I have made sure my father was taken care of and he now has what he needs for the most part but myself and my animals are in need of many things. I am unable to work at this time, I have no where to  leave my pets and honestly my Father consumes a lot of my time It’s been a tough year. The last thing I want to do is beg for money but I have run out of financial resources to carry on. I have spent my savings and sold all of my stocks. I would appreciate any assistance I could get at this time. I’m scared I am going to lose my home and all of this to be for not. It will take about a year  before I am able to move back in. $5000.00 would get me by for the next 3 months or soo, then hopefully I will be able to get  back to working and get back on  my feet. I very much appreciate any help that I can get. 

Organized by

Tamera Preston

Austintown, OH, USA
