About this fundraiser

On September 12th, I’m finally having my hysterectomy! After receiving subpar, unprofessional gynecological care last year and having my surgery canceled the day before it was supposed to happen, I was forced to restart my journey again this year with a new gynecologist. The long road has been so expensive and now my surgery will cost me over $5,000 out of pocket instead of the $2,500 it would have cost last year. 

I really struggle to ask for help but am usually the first to give to others who need it… so now I ask for your help. I need to be able to pay the out of pocket amount by the end of August so I can finally stop the severe hemorrhaging I’ve been coping with for the last 2 ½ years. Thank you so much for any help you can offer. It means the world to me. 


Organized by

Lyra Noble

San Antonio, TX, USA
