Latest update as of Jun 27, 2024

  • On her birthday, June 6, Micala went in for surgery to help alleviate some of the awful symptoms she lives with on a daily basis due to her endometriosis. Everything seemed to go great, and she was sent home to recover. Her recovery was complicated when about a week later, she had flu like symptoms and was sent to the ER. It turns out that she had an infection causing serious complications. They got her in for surgery, which they hoped could be laparoscopic, but they had to open her up. Her abdomen was full of infection.

    She waz in the ICU and on 6/21, almost a week after her emergency surgery, she is out of heavy sedation and has had her breathing tube removed. This is definitely cause for celebration! Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of what will be a lengthy recovery. Micala's kidneys are now not functioning the way they are supposed to. She is on dialysis, she has had an ileostomy, and her surgical wound remains open- which means that she has quite a long road ahead of her.

    Her parents had just made a cross country move out to California 2 days before her surgery, so as you can imagine, they haven't even had a chance to settle in. They and her sisters, as well as aunts and cousins, have all been by her side or helping with what they can. They are exhausted.

    The funds raised here would directly benefit her family. They would be to help with gas, meals out/at the hospital, and eventually, to cover the bills that her insurance does not. This money would also go towards paying her rent. No amount is too small, and even if you are unable to assist financially, please share this in hopes of spreading the word that she needs help. Regardless of donation, your prayers would be most appreciated.

    Thank you for your consideration and possible donations, I cannot express my gratitude enough.

About this fundraiser

One of my dearest friends is not doing well in the hospital right now . We are hoping for a quick recovery.  However her mother and sisters live in Temecula and she is hospitalized in San diego. It is such a far drive and they are constantly on the go needing to be with her. I can't disclose everything that has happened to her all I know is anything will help right now.

Organized by

Joscelyn Ventura

Murrieta, CA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Abbie Organiscak
