About this fundraiser

In 2015 at 36 years old I had a double mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction and a partial hysterectomy.  It was a 16 hour surgery and very intricate. My healing process did not go well at all. My hip to hip incision opened and so did my “breasts”. The surgeon had me dry pack the wounds leaving massive scars and indentations. My breasts now cause me pain and affect my everyday life. I want them removed. I went to every doctor, did exactly what is needed to get approval through my insurance but was unsuccessful. I recently sought out plastic surgeons to see if anything can be done and what it would cost. 2 of them declined the surgery.  I was told I need to see a specialist that can handle such a delicate procedure. Apparently the type of reconstruction I had involves attaching nerves and vessels. Being that this is more difficult the price keeps going up. I'm not looking for beauty. At this point I don't even care how they look or if theyre removed. I just want the pain to stop. I'm not one to ask for help but I can't do this anymore. I have pictures but they are to graphic to attach. 

Organized by

Melissa Roberts

Milford, PA, USA
