Latest update as of Jan 23, 2024

  • 01/23/2024

    Ali was released from the hospital today. She is officially on her way home. She's still in a bit of pain after the Pleurodesis surgery. They have her on pain meds and an LAM medication. She was told she needs to do as much walking as possible to help build up her strength and to help the lungs work. Please continue to pray for Ali as the only further steps that can be taken for her condition is a lung transplant. A transplanted lung only lasts between 5-8 years before another transplant is needed. She's 28 years old... you do the math! ;) Thank you all so much for your prayers; it is greatly appreciated!


About this fundraiser

Hello Everyone,

Our Niece, Ali DeVary, was born with an uncommon genetic disorder called Tuberous sclerosis (TOO-bur-us skluh-ROH-sis) or tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). TSC causes non – cancerous (benign) tumors to grow on the brain, spinal cord, nerves, eyes, lung, heart, kidneys and skin. Symptoms vary widely, depending on where the growths develop and how big they get.

At this time there is no cure for tuberous sclerosis, and the course of the disorder and its severity cannot be predicted. But treatments are available to manage symptoms.

Recently Ali had been having difficulty breathing and scheduled an appointment on Monday, August 21st with Dr. Parnell of Dulcimer Medical Center. He performed an exam and had concern with her decreased lung sounds on one side. He encouraged Ali and her mom, Laura, to go to St. Mary’s hospital in Rochester, MN where she was diagnosed with a collapsed lung.

A CT scan discovered numerous growths on Ali’s lungs. One of those growths had burst causing the lung to collapse. The medical staff at St. Mary’s inserted a suction tube into Ali’s thorax to remove the air that was inside the chest cavity putting pressure against the lung resulting in breathing difficulties. This procedure allowed for the lung to inflate which permitted Ali to be able to breathe easier.

On Tuesday, August 22nd, they attempted to downgrade the suction tube and replace it with a non-suction tube. Unfortunately, the chest cavity started to fill with air once again and another suction tube was inserted. After this unsuccessful attempt at downgrading the suction tube, they moved Ali to a section of the hospital that is near the pulmonary unit for closer observation.

Ali recently started a new job and will need to be off of work for an undetermined amount of time and has a very high deductible on her health insurance. Her family has started a ‘Give A Hand’ fundraiser to relieve some of the financial burden of the medical expenses and help with any treatments she may need to have in the future.

If you feel led to give financially to this fund, your donation would be greatly welcomed. If you do not have the capability of supporting financially but would still like to help by standing in the gap through prayer and intersession for Ali’s health and healing, she would gladly welcome your prayers as well.

Thank you so much to all who read this and feel lead to donate and pray for Ali.

Fundraising team

Nicole Howard-Lawton

Estherville, IA, USA


Laura DeVary

Team member
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This fundraiser will directly support

Ali DeVary
