Since February, my sweet mama has been dizzy and had severe headaches and neck pain. If you know her, you know that she doesn’t slow down. She is always on the go, running a business of 65 years and taking care of everyone! Since she got sick, she’s been unable to get up, walk, or sit up on her own. She Is such a strong independent woman so for her family to see her this way is so hard. She was always the first one to be at her grandkids baseball and softball games, always the first to be up for a shopping trip and always always at work, taking care of her loyal customers! She always puts herself last, and everyone else will always be her #1 priority.
After months of going back and forth to her PCP, running tests and trying all kinds of medicine, we finally were able to get an MRI to learn she had a Mass on her pituitary gland. Unfortunately, she’s not able to have surgery because of her heart condition and the doctors are still unsure what’s causing the symptoms she has that are causing her to have little to no quality of life. We are ,for now, still on the fact finding mission with her Medical Team.
Mama has been unable to work since she got sick. Daddy works when he’s able between taking care of her and their home. They both own small businesses so there is no vacation pay or medical leave to support them.
We are beyond grateful for your help and support and feel all the prayers everyone is sending.
we love you all ❤️
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Macy Foster
Henderson, TN, USA
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