The 17th 2015 my husband was airlifted from de Queen Arkansas to fort Smith Arkansas to Mercy hospital on February 18th he was diagnosed with a dissected descending aorta with it being inoperable they said that within 6 months or so it would heal itself provided he keep his blood pressure down and a few other things but with it being inoperable it also meant that his life could end in one second if his blood pressure spiked and the least little bit in that day we accumulated $135 in bills was $90,000 being the airline and the rest what the insurance didn't pay and I'm already getting bills for it the last Wednesday his boss fired him said that he wasn't able to get this after she stood there as he went by on the journey being put into airline telling him his job was stable and it was secure and that it would be here when he got better and was 3 days away from being off of work release for two two weeks the third week he could do his work but could only live 10 lb or less but she terminated his employment he's not able to collect unemployment insurance because at the time at this time he's not able to work because of the strangest stress of everything when his boss fired him it made him have another episode. Now we have no income coming in and we inherited my mother-in-law's home and it requires a lot of work like 14,000 is got to go for Windows and black mold treatment and amongst other things and we have no way to pay for any of this plus our current bills our past new bills so the only thing I need to do is ask for help we need so much help right now we've worked our lives our whole lives and we've done charities Grand charities for the last 17 years without asking anybody to help us we have done the mobile Santa and the center for felons 17 years in a row without helping hand somehow we always pull it together last year we did 7,700 people for Christmas but we can't get anybody to help us so if you will please just help us with any donation we will accept it and will be gratefully appreciative of it thank you and God bless
Organized by
Leslie Smith
De Queen, AR, USA
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