About this fundraiser

•••••Update as of June 28, 2024

Natalie has been granted admission to a program in Scottsdale, AZ that offers the treatment she desperately needs. The cost for just two weeks of treatment is $10,000. While donations have been incredibly generous and appreciated, expenses have been substantial and funds are running low. Please keep Natalie in your prayers for a successful treatment and financial provision as she starts on Monday. •••••

Natalie was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in January 2024. As you can imagine this news was devastating and at 51 years of age this young wife and mom is fighting a battle she never dreamed she would have to fight.

We are reaching out to ask for your support for Natalie and her husband, David. Even with health insurance, they have been struggling to cover medical expenses and bills, and credit cards are maxed out. Despite her diagnosis, Natalie remains strong and determined to fight this disease, placing her faith in Jesus. Your donation will not only help alleviate the financial burden she is facing but also provide her with the peace of mind to focus on her treatment and recovery. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a difference in her journey towards healing. 

Thank you for your generosity and kindness during this difficult time. Let’s show Natalie she’s not alone in this fight!

Organized by

Angie Kennedy

Prescott Valley, AZ, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Natalie Buehler
