Latest update as of May 08, 2024

  • Her port that caused so much trouble

    Her port that caused so much trouble

About this fundraiser

Hi we are Jennifer and Colleen. We are asking for your help with one of our dearest friend’s kidney journey. Paulette is one of the founding members of our group of long time friends of almost 30 years. Paulette is a newly engaged mother of 3 that lives in Lacey, Washington. She works as as an office manager and billing specialist for a medical transportation company. 

When she told us she was having kidney issues and then eventually that her kidneys were failing we were all very concerned but as I (Jennifer) look back now I was very naïve of what was to come. On April 18th 2023 she was placed on the kidney donation list. Because of the speed of her decline she was moved up the list very quickly. On March 27,2024 Paulette received a call that there was possibly a kidney donation available but that she was 3rd on the list and they would call the following morning.  No call came on the 28th but the following morning on the 29th there was a returned call that started the wheels in motion and just hours later at 3:30 in the afternoon she was given the call that she was getting her new kidney and had to be at the hospital within 3 hours. With Justin her amazing fiancée at her side she made it in 2 hours. She received “Oliver” (what we have named her new kidney) on Saturday March 30, 2024. 

With the speed of everything preparing for the time off from employment, the multiple trips back to the hospital (which is over an hour away), city parking fees, food, gas and overnight hotel bills were not completely saved for. This is where I ask you for your help! Your one time donation or your monthly donation for 1 year.  Please do not donate if you can not afford it, we are only asking for help from those that can afford to donate extra funds.

Organized by

Jennifer Schiller

Lacey, WA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Paulette Mays
