About this fundraiser

I’m just not sure how much more we can handle. I have never been the one to ask for help or to publicly display my deepest life problems. Yes you know my story, but there is so much more I keep to myself.

Yesterday, the walls came crashing down for my husband and I. Not only would it have been our child’s 13th birthday, our dishwasher decided to stop working (thank God for living in an apartment), not that big of a deal. What really put the icing on the cake however, was my husband look at me and saying “someone is stealing a tire off my car!” While I wish it was that simple, of course it wasn’t. My husband had made an agreement with the bank to delay payments as he was awaiting his VA disability check, well that check continues to be delayed. All this has been communicated with the load company, but despite our efforts, they loan company decided that today of all days would be the best day to reposes his vehicle.

No notice, no communication, nothing! This man has cared for a special needs hold as a single parent, lost his job with the military to do so, is disabled from the military, has been terminated due to his disability and busts his ass daily to find employment and this is the thanks he receives.

I work as a full time FF/EMT and do all I can to make ends meet, but it’s just not enough. Our medical bills from his hip replacement are piling up, medical bills from unexpected hospitalization after his surgery are coming in, therapy isn’t free and on top of that we still have to live.

Two things: one if anyone knows of a quality engineer job in the North East GA area please reach out. Two, please keep us in your prayers. We know faith can move mountains and we believe that God has a plan for us way greater than anything we could ever imagine.

“He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭17‬:‭20‬ ‭

#faithassmallasaamustardseed #veteransoftiktok #emtsoftiktok #firefightertiktok #fyp #askingforhelp #lifestruggles #VAsucks #VAdisability 

Organized by

Katy Dyke

Pendergrass, GA, USA
