UPDATE (for some reason I can't send one out)
Wow. I am so overwhelmed and thankful for the generosity and encouragement that my family has received this past month. I was looking back in my prayer journal a couple of days ago, and less than 1 month ago I was asking God how making this purchase could even be possible. I was weighed down with concern for my boys and feeling pulled toward this therapy, even if it meant that it was coming out of our, already meager, house fund. I stayed up through the night for weeks researching and reading medical studies to get a feel for if I truly believed this was the right move. But in less than a month, by His grace and abundance, He has fully funded this device through all of you. I cannot thank you enough for how each of you have loved on my family. Please continue to pray with and for us as we continue on.
For the past several years, the health of each Nix child has been a constant battle. In the fall of 2022, it was discovered that our family had been living over toxic mold along with raw sewage, methane gas leaks and coal ash. Not long after that discovery, all three boys were diagnosed with PANS- a neuropsychotic condition that stems from high levels of toxicity that has affected their brains. Despite the immense progress we have seen in their conditions over the past several months, we still have a very long and hard journey ahead. In addition to their PANS diagnosis, one of the boys is having, what I believe is “neurological episodes” in his sleep multiple times each night. Equipped with more knowledge, we know that nutrition, limiting stress/overstimulation and watching viral/bacterial/toxin load are the three pillars to calm the inflammation inside their brains. However, with toxicity levels being so high inside their bodies, it's a constant battle to try to put out all of the fires.
PEMF, pulsed electro magnetic field therapy, has been documented to be a highly beneficial treatment for many conditions, even PANS. It also has had success in inhibiting epileptic seizures- while not eradicating the condition altogether. While we have not been able to identify what the nighttime episodes are, I am encouraged by the studies I have read. It is my hope, that by making this therapy more accessible to my boys, I will be able to best support and help each one of them. The cost of a high quality device is astronomical. And since we are still trying to catch up on all of our medical bills and save up for a new home (we currently are living with family), I wanted to put it out to the community to see what the Lord will provide. Any little bit will be such a valued gift. Whether or not you find yourself able to financially contribute, we would greatly appreciate prayer. While we have great confidence, hope and peace in what the future holds (understanding that it may not be total healing), we are in a very heavy season of ongoing grief as we daily navigate the continuous effects our last living situation is having on our children. May we keep our eyes fixed on the God who sees us.
*Please let me know if you are praying for our family- it would be such an encouragement to my heart to know that others are praying for these boys and their weary parents : )
Please donate to comment.
Sarah Lung | $50
10mos agoI can only imagine what it has been like watching your children suffer so slowly. But holy wow, Good God Almighty! Thinking of you, hubby, your beautiful boys and sweet daughter always.
Telisa Tapp | $50
11mos ago💕 🙏 😘
Mary Hester | $200
1yr agoYou’ve got this ❤️
Anonymous Donor | $300
1yr agoPraying for full healing for the boys and rest for you!
Parker Lynch | $40
1yr agoPraying for you sister, lambda chi brother 55.
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