Supporting the Cary Family
Please help support the Cary family in My Husband Aaron's fight with cancer.
The news of his recent diagnosis has come with many financial burdens, and it’s difficult to tell yet what expenses lay ahead. We are truly grateful for any amount you are able to contribute!
Aaron was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pleomorphic Leiomyosarcoma with Liver Metastsis on April 25d 2024. He was suffering from Left Side Pain, Severe Vomiting, Weight loss, Fatigue, Vision Loss, Trouble Breathing and Walking etc... He was sent out by Ambulance to the Emergency Room and with many tests ran Dr.'s told him they could not believe he was still alive when he came in to the Emergency Room because his Hemoglobin blood level was between 1-2 and for an Adult Male the normal level is between 14-18. He had very little blood in him and had to have an Emergency Blood Transfusion Immediately which they gave him 8 IV Bags of Donor Blood, 4 Bags of Donor Plasma and 3 Bags of Iron. Testing and Cat Scans confirmed that he has a 11.5 cm Tumor on top of his Left Kidney and has spread to his Left Adrenal Gland and is completely covering it to the point his Adrenal Gland cannot be viewed in a Cat Scan. Further testing showed that the Cancer has now spread to his Liver which has Several Tumors attached to it ranging from 5 cms - 8.6 cms. All the Tumors are Metatasizing (Growing and Spreading) aggressively and are Maliginant.
Aaron's journey will be costly which we dont have any money for due to Im the only one working and I will have to reduce my hours to very little to almost none so I can drive my Husband Aaron to all his Treatments and Dr. Appts.beings he does not drive and I need and want to be there for him all the way through this unfortunate unexpected journey we are facing and learning to accept and deal with . We have great hopes that all his Treatments will be successful and he will become healthy again. Even after the Treatents are complete, He will continue to have Costly Medications which we have no Health Insurance to cover those costs so all costs for everything is completely out of pocket for us. He will also have periodic check-ups to make sure the Cancer does not reappear.
Aaron and I deeply appreciate your finanicial support, prayers and words of support. Please continue to spread the word far and wide for prayers for our family as we face the challenges and struggles ahead.
Thank You So Much and God Bless You, The Cary Family
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