About this fundraiser

My rheumatoid arthritis caused me many years of pain and illness that has led to low self-esteem. Rheumatoid arthritis hit me at the age of 27 like a bolt from the blue. The pain and debilitating nature of rheumatoid arthritis were not only a shock but something I felt ill equipped to deal with. I had a fantastic GP who, together with a rheumatologist, helped me come to terms with the inevitable restrictions of the disease. They prescribed drugs that reduced the symptoms and enabled me to continue to work. Gradually, over time, my arthritis worsened and I became more disabled. I tried many different drug regimens but none were very effective. I became more depressed as it became clear that I was facing some severe restrictions on living my life the way I’d expected, and I continued on a downward spiral until, in 2022, I was put onto anti-TNF therapy. For the first time in years, the chronic, grinding pain lessened, and gradually I began to see light at the end of the tunnel.  I have health insurance and the Doctor was able to get me a 1 year supply at a reduced cost from the manufacture. My medicine has ran out, my insurance will not cover it because it is a specialty drug. Enbrel cost with insurance at Wal-Greens is $7,385.00 a month, for 4 pens one per week. I am in severe pain and cant get the medicine I need because i can not afford it. I can barley go to work because I am in so much pain. I will lose everything if I don't work. This is America. Why is medicine people need to survive to expensive to for them to afford. 

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Hockley, TX, USA
