About this fundraiser

Dave was in a horrific motorcycle   accident and is hospitalized at V.G.H. he has critical injuries and will be there for many months. He has extensive injuries which may leave him paralyzed from the neck down. Dave was always very active with his family and children and this is a huge life adjustment for him. His recovery will take much time and to have his family around him would be crucial to his recovery.

 His family is a long 10 hours away from the hospital he is in. His sister  has been travelling back and forth to be with her brother. They have no other family and needs to be with him. She needs help with the cost of travelling back and forth. She is a good person and really needs the help from anyone who can find it in their hearts to donate so she can be with her brother. Dave has 2 sons, a beautiful daughter and 2 precious granddaughters who also all need the chance to see him. If they didn't have the worry of expenses to visit they could all concentrate on just being there with and for Dave.His family deserves the chance to be with him and he needs the love and support of his family at this time.


Thank you From


A Very Close and Dear Family Friend

Organized by

Rhonda Dunn

Trail, BC, Canada
