About this fundraiser

I guess I start from the beginning. The #RaiseAJaden event was launched out of a mother’s love for her first born son Jaden Marshall Murphy who left this earth way too soon and his love for a fresh pair of sneakers and new backpack. When I decided to do this to honor my son almost 8 years ago I never knew it would grow so big and so fast. I decided to turn my heartbreak into triumph for families across Louisville with the help from family and friends. The faces of the children over the years never disappoint and this year was know different. Over the past eight  years friends have became family and a huge support system for my vision. I can say without the support of many I would have not been able to help over 500 children to date have a successful start to school.

This year the goal is to assist college students as they prepare for their Freshmen year by donating the items needed to be successful. 



Thank you in advance #RaiseAJaden #Organdonation #Donormom 


Organized by

Mellanie Murphy

Louisville, KY, USA
