Hello, if your here that means you wish to help which I greatly appreciate, it is for myself, I am a minor who is so so so close to getting top surgery I know money is hard to come by for a lot of people my family included and I truly don't want my ma struggling so much to do this for me, she has done so much for me and the fact she's even willing to try and pay for as much of it as she can means a lot to me so if you are able to donate please do because you won't be just making my dream come true but you'll be allowing my wonderful ma not having to stress, worry, think, or plan out how she's going to be able to pull this off. My goal is to have top surgery late May/early June early in the summer and after school is out. I really hope this works out well I don't know how great these kind of things truly work but if you can make this happen for me I would greatly appreciate it even if it's a little bit :)
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Rex Lincoln
Omaha, NE, USA
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Elliott | $4
2w agoGood luck man!! Sorry, this is all I can give right now.
Felix Heald | $100
2w agoi hope the best for you✨️
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