About this fundraiser


My 3 children and I are working towards a better start in a new place. 

There dad passed away and then my dad passed away. Both men were important people in our lives emotional and financially. 

Now we are struggling to stay in our home and it's a struggle to keep up with bills. 

Of course I make too much to qualify for any assistance programs, but I need a little boost to help keep our house.

It's hard as a mom to ask for help since I'm the one who is supposed to take care of others, but I would be able to care for my kids better if this stress wasn't causing me so much anxiety and worry.

I appreciate any help anyone could give. Every bit of it will help my children. They have been through so much and I want to help start them off in a better situation as they grow up, then they have right now. I want them to have financial security and less worry so they can find joy in their lives.

Thank.you to all who can help us. You are loved and appreciated.


Organized by

Katie E

Clarksville, TN, USA
