About this fundraiser

I am a mother of 3 and I currently am living with my soon to be ex, in his families home. They try to control everything I do. Everywhere I go, even try to control my private thoughts and feelings by snooping through my personal private belonglongs, reading my journals with extremely private messages things I’ve writtmen down as a form of therapy to help me through some issues I have. , it’s no joke. They’ve now kicked me and my kids out. This is the second time since I’ve been with my soon to be ex that his family has said my kids and I have to move out. We aren’t welcome at their property anymore. they gave me til November 1st to get out and I have absolutely no where to go. I have been wrong this person since I was 17 years old and he has controlled my entire life since we got together. I haven’t worked in almost a decade due to him not wanting me to work and my always having to be with the kids due to no babysitter and only having one ride. But I do have a car but I need to get it in my name and get the tags and everything so it’ll be legal. 


  I also hate to ask anyone for help. Like it really makes me feel Awful. . Especially having 3 kids to whom look to me to fix everything and right now I can’t do ANYTHING. I feel helpless. THESE PEOPLE HAVE turned THE UTILITIES  OFF ON ME SO THAT THEY CAN FORCE ME OUT OF OUT ONTO THE STREETS. So MY KIDS AND I ARE CURRENTLY WITHOUT LIGHTS. RUNNING WATER. IVE TRIED CONTACTING THE STATE AND THE PARISH POLICE DEPARTMENT BUT THEY SAY THERES NOTHING I CAN DO. LIKE SOMEONE CAN JUST TURN OFF THE UTILITIES TO A HOUSE U AND UR CHILDREN LIVE IN AND NO ONE CAN DO A DAng THING TO HELP US! I need to get my babies away from this place and these people. I’m serious I desperately need to get my kids as far from these people as I can as soon as I can. my 3 kids do not deserve this whatsoever. I have a 5 year old to whom is really afraid of the dark and he is autistic so he isn’t handling this very well. i promise you that this will help out so much more than you or anyone can possibly every know. 

Organized by

Courtney Thompson

Natchez, MS, USA
