About this fundraiser

I lost my right leg above the knee in June 2017 , from a blood clot in my foot. When I returned to work it was with the assistant of a mobility scooter. Not only work but freedom and independence to get around town , socialize,  the therapy pool.

My second scooter died on me a year ago. I put an average of 800 miles on each scooter. Ok medicare only gives every 5 years. Last time I got a much needed wheelchair.  Lions Club tried, and looked on all the give for free markets. Unsuccessful. 

That is why I  am here. My medical leave from Walgreens is about up. And I need that part time money. So I  am here hat in hand to ask, beg for help from family, friends and stranger  for a new mobility scooter.

I know wallets are tight for everyone. But what you can please, please give.

Thank you ever so much.



Organized by

Jane Kestler

Ocean View, DE, USA
