About this fundraiser

Hi all. 

My name is Leon  bUT go by my middle name Scott.  I lost my mother in November,  i never told my mom I had cancer because I didn't want to worry her. I was in a 10yr relationship.  After I found out I had stage 4 prostate cancer , which because it wasn't caught quick enough , it's now also turned to bone cancer. Due to that my ex couldnt , wouldn't deal with it. When I think I don't blame her because it's my cancer not hers. But I caught her cheating,  (and doing it for months) since it was legally her house she kicked me to the side. Cleaned out my bank account and left me with all the bills.  

I've been living in a camp grounds for the past 4 months,  caught up the bills. And have lived on very small funds.  Ill be homeless by forsure the end of October.  Maybe  sooner depending on the weather in northern Wisconsin.  

I've call 100's if not more numbers, talk to all the outlets a person can call, st Vincent de Paul, red cross, salvation army, urban housing,  can er society,  aND the list goes on. So I find myself bleeding my heart to this format and hoping ,praying that ,just maybe someone anyone that knows what it feels like to be scared , somedays I want to give up ,but I have fight in me I'm asking for help. I only make 1100 a month on ssdi, I only have a few weeks left and no where to go.  Im 63 64 on October 4.  I hate asking for help, never have had to. Wish I didn't have to now. If you can please help ill do all I can to repay it.  Im a cancer patient trying to stay positive,  but im losing hope . Thank you for your time . 

779 537 0128 


Organized by

Scott Groeschl

Marinette, WI, USA
