About this fundraiser

Hello my name is Lisa Easter and I am coming to you on this platform because I have exhausted any other options. I don't feel like I have any other options. I live with someone I was supposed to marry. I must say I am very happy I did not. Living with him has been a nightmare, I tried to work but my car is broke and I had to depend on him for a ride but he would stay out with the car and come back late making me late a lot. Needless to say that didn't work. I also don't want to give myself a bad reputation in the employment field. We also live in his mothers basement which is like a whole other house down here, we have everything we need and never have to go upstairs. His mother pretended to be my friend at first and when he asked me to marry him she started doing things like when I took her to the store, I went in for her cause there were no riding carts. I forgot I left my journal in the car, when I came out  I seen that my journal was turned around facing the other way. She read it and later on she would come downstairs and sit on my bed and repeat what she had read in my journal. She was trying to provoke me, so she could call the cops and have me arrested. I know better I have a son that needs me and I don't do anything that could get me taken from him. Since then she has harassed me and my son. She has stole my mail and my keys, my sons chromebook was stolen and ipad. She locked my son outside when it was hot cause she shut the garage on him knowing he was out there. She has left me text messages that are rude and trying to get me into it with her son saying he was with his ex. I mean you name it she has done it and also went as far as sneaking downstairs when me and her son was having an intimate moment and sat there and listened. I was mortified. On top of all of the things she is doing her son was putting me through hell. When we first met I thought we were perfect but soon after I moved in with him things started to change. He started not coming home for couple of nights at a time and would fight with me call me names and cuss me cause i asked what he was doing. One time he grabbed me up with one arm and got his hand around my throat and squeezed. He cut off my air and I thought that was it, I thought I was dead. Another time he picked my son up by the throat and I shoved him so hard he went into the fish tank. My son was trying to defend me cause he heard what was going on and knew that it was wrong. I told him if he ever touched my son again I would kill him. I meant it. My son is a great kid, he doesnt get into trouble or anything and hes thirteen now. He is very thoughtful and helps others and just has a big heart like I do. The most recent physical abuse he had jumped on my back and grabbed my head saying he was going to break my neck because i didn't hear him holler for me. I was wearing headphones, but he tried to twist my neck as i screamed trying to fight him off. I just recently found out that he in fact has been sleeping with his ex the whole time and she has threatened my life in text messages. His mother threatened to shoot me with her gun. My son over heard her! I didn't do anything but come here and help her clean for her and cook and organized for her cause she is a hoarder. I even bought the suction handles for the shower so she wouldn't be scared to take a shower, cause she thought she was going to fall. My whole life I have always tried to help others cause it made me happy to do so. His mother is acting like a jealous girlfriend and he is mentally , emotionally, verbally and physically abusive. I can't take anymore i've reached out for help from the government and theres nothing is what they tell me , and any help like insurance or ktap cause my son's father is in prison they give it to me then they send me a letter saying I didn't send them the information they needed so they cancel it. I fix it and they do it again.  I really feel defeated and so depressed and feel like every which way I go I just bit a brick wall. I normally dont ask for help , I always taught my kids to work hard and never give up but this is different. I need help or I feel I won't ever get my son out of this hell. I'm a hard worker i have worked since i was 13. When covid hit I had two jobs and they both shut down and thats the same time I moved in here. If I didn't need it I wouldn't be on here asking . My son is a good kid and does not deserve any of what he has been through. I feel like a failure and so defeated but there is no one for me they are against me.

Organized by

Lisa Easter

Louisville, KY, USA
