About this fundraiser

The need for Sober living homes is at an all-time low, beds are far and and few. People are left to fend for themselves, most of them end up homeless again and back in the throes of addiction. This sober living home is one that is Progressive in the sense that it will have closed circuit TV security systems to ensure that all residents are safe and have a safe haven for women to escape the grasp of men who are using them, and wanting to victimize them, while on the street. This will allow the women to get their feet back up and underneath them, to be able to stand up, stand tall, stand proud, and become successful and break the chains of addiction as well as violence. There will be a in-house counselor as well as access to companies and local businesses willing to give these women a second chance third chance and 4th chance. They will have access to all state and local Social Services. For the success of these women, not only does it take a community or a Village, if you will, it takes family, it takes love, it takes charity, compassion and support.

The name of the perspective sober living home for women is going to be called Freya's House. Which is also the name of the perspective LLC business.

Organized by

David Proverb

Manchester, NH, USA
