About this fundraiser

April Rose's journey began in April 2024, when she underwent emergency surgery to remove part of her stomach. A few days later, we learned of her devastating diagnosis. Since then, she has been on a grueling regimen of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and a second surgery, to slow the cancer's progression. Despite her strength and resilience, the emotional and financial toll of this battle has been difficult.   Her onky hope is a new medicine Vyloy. That's been approved by the FDA 2 months ago. There's no billing code yet so it costs 18,000 pluses outpatient administration. Not to mention she is ti sick to work for 9 mo amd the medical bills tent and utilities are piling up.  Ira her lasy hope.  I pray there's people who can help her.  Sjrs onky 34.  She doesn't deserve this.  Its devastating snd tragic watching her suffer.  Amy help is greatly appreciated.  Prayers and shares as well.  Blessons and gratitude.  

Organized by

Mary Seifert

Scottsdale, AZ, USA
