About this fundraiser

Christopher is a 34 year old man disabled with Cerebral Palsy. Fully engaged in the home health consumer direct program, living at home, surrounded by friends. Although disabled, thanks to a Baclofen Infusion System Christopher was able to walk and go to work at a sheltered workshop. Unfortunately, 4 years ago, his guardian removed his Infusion System, placing him in a nursing home leaving him feeling forgotten and lost, taking away the life Christpher worked so hard to achieve. His health rapidly declined, leaving him wheelchair-bound as he can not even stand anymore. His desperate pleas for help were dismissed, and unheard, as his guardian isolates him, taking away his cell phone and tablet, denying all visits with friends and his own mother. Refusing to let Christopher go anywhere. This unjust situation, controlled by Christophers guardian has rendered Christopher bound to a wheelchair. His condition has deteriorated at an alarming rate. As instructed, calling APS, Local Law Enforcement, State Representatives, and Mo. Protection and Advocacy has only made me out to be the problem. They now say because of my actions, I am causing disruption and the abuse by his father is allowed to continue. The GAL said that Christopher wants to see me, but agreed there have been a lot of people there investigating and that has caused trouble. Christophers guardian is allowed to continue the abuse and total isolation.  This young man is going to die if we allow this to continue. Please join me and stand with Topher. This situation can happen to anyone young and old alike. 100% of the funds collected are to obtain counsel to get Topher out of this abusive situation. 

Thank you for your support does not even begin to express my gratitude, but with all of my heart, I Thank you!


Organized by

Twila Foley

Adrian, MO, USA
