About this fundraiser

Hello everyone giving thanks to my lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I want to first say I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for him. I may not be where I want to be, but I'm not where I use to be. He has brought me a mighty long way. Seven years ago I 26 weeks premature son that has a tracheostomy and g-button and has 13 other diagnostic. He 100% medically fragile, and non verbal. He on a ventilator, heart monitor, feeding machine, 02 oxygen machine, uses nebulizer machine, and CPT vest. His cares are done every 2 hours. So he has to have eyes on him 24/7. Which means I get very little sleep. I named K'Yngsten Love. He wasn't supposed to make it through the night. But God saw fit for us to see seven years old and growing. Which is a blessing. It has been a long struggle over these years for me as a first time mom, and I'm doing the best I can to keep up with his health and tend to all his needs, while my needs and health go undone and not taken of. I struggle to pay everything rent, bills, medicine, car note, probation etc. He is my everything, and I'm the best mom I can be. Within the last 7 years I've lost both of my adopted parents, both of my biological parents, my grandmother, and an aunt. I've really had a tough time. Imma a single parent and I'm going through all this alone. I have no help. I really have a lot of things I'm going through and I really need help with paying rent, bills, car note, medical care, probation, ect. We all make mistakes when we're young. Nobody asks for the hand we're dealt. We just try to make it till the hand is gone. And I know you're probably thinking at this point "why does she need all the funds?" Please please hear me out.. I do need help with the bills and rent car note, medical care. With the probation I'll explain. I caught a charge two years ago and it carries 99 to life without parole. Now you're probably thinking "oh my, what did she do, I'm not helping a criminal"... I'm not a bad person. I was only defending myself from a man. I promise I wouldn't wish my worst enemy behind those walls. I was always taught, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". And I don't want to be taken from the only thing that I have left in life that encourages me. I have till the end of December to pay probation off so I won't go to prison for life. We live off of a $943 SSI check per month. I pay what I can when I can. Just rent alone is $1,300 a month. As the bills such as the electric bill reaches over $700 per month and with K'Yngsten being a critical care patient the bill keep adding up I pay a little something just so they can see that I'm trying. He lives off of electric. And it keeps him alive. Bills add up every day they never take a break. It's a struggle to make it this is day and time being a single parent with a medically fragile child. Nobody will hire me once they find out about K'Yngsten and him being 100% disabled, and that I don't have a support system to back me up. Please and thank you in advance for any and all donations, they will be greatly appreciated. May God continue to bless your mind, body, soul and spirit. Once again, Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you

Organized by

Shaterrica Roberson

Dallas, TX, USA
