Latest update as of Feb 24, 2024

  • Update

    Morgan has had a rough month. She ended up in the hospital for several days suffering from toxicity and neutropenic fevers from the initial treatment. Because of this she had to pause her treatments. Due to the steroids she had to take to combat the inflammation due to the reaction, there has been significant tumor growth.

    Morgan's oncologist is starting a new cocktail of medications in hopes that Morgan's body will respond better this time to treatment.

    Financially the Shattuck family are really feeling the strain from all the medical bills and time off required to fight this cancer. Please consider donating to help ease the burden on this wonderful family.


About this fundraiser

Please join in supporting Morgan Shattuck and her family as she kicks stage IV melanoma’s ass.

Morgan’s first battle with melanoma began just three weeks before marrying Derek, her now husband of 8 years, with just one small mole on the back of her right calf. The mole was biopsied and she got the devastating news; stage 3 melanoma. Treatment began just a week after their short honeymoon and through surgical removal and chemotherapy, Morgan was victorious and deemed in full remission in 2017.

Morgan started work in the rehab therapy department at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, WA later in 2017 and has since become an irreplaceable part of our hospital. She is one of the most thoughtful and compassionate caregivers I have ever met, and she has touched the lives of so many patients and co-workers during their time of need. With a heart of gold, she lifts those up around her, making each and every person feel important and cared for. 

In 2019, Morgan and Derek became parents with the birth of sweet little Everett. He is now 4 years old and is so helpful with his mommy’s care. 

In August 2023, Morgan began having significant pain and fatigue and so she went to the doctor. An ultrasound, PET scan, and bloodwork were performed, and the results were stage 4 malignant melanoma. For the second time, Morgan is again waging war against cancer.

Morgan has a wonderful and supportive family that is helping her and Derek with caring for Everett, chores, meals, and transportation to and from appointments. However, Morgan will be unable to work while receiving these treatments and her husband Derek understandably wants to be able to take time off of work to be there for her. 

If you know Morgan, you know she does not ask for help with a light heart. I am hopeful we can help remove the financial strain and let her focus on fighting and healing. She is usually the one supporting us in our time of need. Now is the time to return the favor.

Organized by

Trisha Denman

Spokane, WA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Morgan Shattuck
