Latest update as of Mar 13, 2024

  • Surgery day

    Hi everyone, my mom had her surgery today. So far everything is looking good. We are still waiting to hear back on a few things but she is back at the hotel resting! Thank you everyone!

About this fundraiser

Hello everyone,

I'm reaching out to you today with a heavy heart and a plea for help for my beloved mother. Just a few months ago, she was assaulted at her workplace, leaving her with injuries that have made it impossible for her to continue working since October. Little did we know, this was just the beginning of a much tougher battle she would have to face.

Shortly after the assault, my mother received the devastating news that she has breast cancer. She has been diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer, a particularly aggressive form, but thankfully it was caught early. She is scheduled for a mastectomy to remove the cancer, and the following steps in her treatment plan will depend on the outcome of this surgery. The uncertainty and fear surrounding her diagnosis have been overwhelming for our family.

Adding to the immense emotional strain, my mother is struggling to keep up with the financial burden that comes with battling cancer. Despite her inability to work due to her injuries, she continues to pay for her medical premiums and other essential bills, all while facing mounting medical expenses. It breaks my heart to see her worry about finances on top of fighting for her health and well-being.

This is where I humbly ask for your support. I have started this campaign to alleviate the financial stress weighing heavily on my mom's shoulders. Your donations will go directly towards covering her medical bills, home expenses, and other necessities she needs during this challenging time. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a meaningful difference in my mom's journey towards recovery.

My mother is the strongest, most resilient person I know, but even the strongest among us need help sometimes. She has always been there for others, offering love, support, and kindness whenever it was needed. Now, it's our turn to rally around her and show her the same love and support she has shown us throughout the years.

Please consider donating to this campaign and sharing it with your friends, family, and social networks. Together, we can ease the burden on my mom's shoulders and help her focus on what truly matters: her health and her recovery.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your generosity, your kindness, and your support.

With gratitude,

Organized by

Brittany Perez

Hesperia, CA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Michelle Ritter
