About this fundraiser

Hello, my name is Adrienne. I’m raising money for my health because I lost my husband five years ago to Covid and he abused me when he got drunk so a couple of my teeth were knocked out in the process and I’ve been a wearing a partial that is glued together because I can’t afford to get my teeth fixed.so I don’t date I am so self-conscious to smile and I love people with all my heart, but I can never give them that smile. I want to give them a lot of people question me do I have fake teeth in my mouth because they can see the glue that is between the teeth when they do catch a smile, I’ve been praying three years to have a full set of teeth that I don’t have to worry about no one questioning me if my teeth are real in my mouth because they can see in the top ..I am so grateful that I do have something to keep from having nothing in my mouth, but I just really need help so that way I can feel love and get back into dating because I am pushing Love away because of my mouth and I am unable to chew my food the way that I’m supposed to chew causing other problems with my body .raising this money will be a dream come true because this is the amount that I had quoted but if someone is willing to do it for free, Lord knows I’m there, but I thank you in advance and much love to you!!😘😘


Organized by

Adrienne Snow

Florence, SC, USA
