About this fundraiser

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. Unfortunately, I’m writing to share some distressing news. During a tornado that touched down and struck our home on may 25th, 2024, my vehicle was severely damaged when a tree fell on it. Regretfully, the vehicle was underinsured, leaving me with the entire financial burden of replacing it, and we can’t possibly afford a rental to be able to commute to work or the grocery store. Additionally, without any family in the area, my wife and I decided this may be our sign to move and start to rebuild our lives from scratch. For now we have clothes and food day to day, but eventually we’ll need to replace furniture also, a little at a time. As I’m sure most of you can relate, finances at home are tight and I work two jobs just to provide the basics for my wife and myself.

The insurance company has stated that they won’t cover any of the damage, leaving me in a difficult situation. The vehicle was new to us and was purchased just recently to replace another vehicle that had several mechanical problems. I rely on my vehicle for commuting to work, running errands, and taking care of my family’s needs. Without it, my daily life has been significantly impacted.

Thankfully, both my wife and I were not injured during the storm. Another tree in the front yard was blown over onto our house and the roof miraculously supported the weight of the tree preventing it from falling into the house and crushing us. Had this not been the case we might not be alive today.

I’m reaching out to you and our community for support during this challenging time. Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference in helping me replace my vehicle and regain some sense of normalcy.

If you’re able to donate, your generosity and kindness will be deeply appreciated. Even if we’re not able to reach the full goal, every little bit helps and will go towards helping us get our feet back on solid ground.

Thank you for considering my request, and please keep my wife and me in your thoughts during this trying period.



Organized by

Timothy Holland

Claremore, OK, USA
