About this fundraiser

Shortly before Christmas, our dear friend, Denver-area writer and filmmaker, and Superstars Tribe member, Travis Heermann was in a motorcycle accident that left him with severe brain injuries and in a coma. Since then he has made some progress and has been moved out of the ICU, but he has a very long and uncertain road ahead. His wife Chanel has been posting updates, and she and child Kaylen have been spending time at the hospital, living out of a hotel room nearby, and holding on with the love and support of many friends.

We know that so many of Travis’s Superstars Tribe want to help. This is an interim fundraiser to help his family navigate the current crisis and expenses. In the future, once Chanel has a better picture of the work and care Travis will need, we will do a more detailed and extensive fundraiser. This is just for Superstars, please—don’t spread to the general public until Chanel is ready for something larger.

But this is how you can share your love and support and help out as you can.


Organized by

Kevin Anderson

Monument, CO, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Chanel Heermann
