Latest update as of Oct 11, 2023

  • Made it through surgery

    Hi everyone - I had surgery yesterday and made it through really well. Feeling great and grateful. I had some car trouble, which has turned into an expensive fiasco involving rental cars and hotel rooms. But I’m healthy and there was no apparent sentinel lymph node involvement so hopefully no need for radiation. Thank you all so very much for everything. I’m relieved to have passed this (hopefully) last hurdle.

About this fundraiser

If you already know me, you may know that the last 8 years have been exceedingly challenging as I struggled to find a job in my PhD field (wildlife health), recovered from trauma, and lived with treatment-resistant depression. You also know that I will do almost anything to avoid asking for help, especially financially. Unfortunately, I’ve finally hit a wall that I can not scale on my own and am reaching out for help.

In September 2022 I got a job offer in northern Maine as an assistant professor and was excited to finally establish a modest research program and create fun experiential learning opportunities. I also became a homeowner! Anyone who has had to move at least every two years within a span of 25 years will recognize the immense relief that this brings.  

The day before I closed on my new house, I received news that the doctor had detected cancer. I am looking forward to 3 months of chemo, followed by major surgery and radiation. The best treatment options for me are in Boston, however and I’ll have to make the trip weekly. I am completely tapped out from the years of underemployment, rising rental costs, and a 2000 mile move. 

If you are reading this and have some extra change to spare, even $5 gets me 30 miles of travel. if you can’t donate, please just pass this link on to anyone who might help. 
Thanks so much




Organized by

Stacey Elmore

Fort Kent, ME, USA
