Tricia is currently 16 years old. She has been living with chronic pain since she was 11 (over 5 years). Our main goal is to raise money for medical expenses.
Tricia's Story (short version): She has been dealing with horrible pain since she was 11 and had no explanation for why. Tricia was diagnosed with IBS, kidney stones, Hyperparathyroidism and had surgery in August 2021; then she had abdominal exploratory surgery in November 2021 and was diagnosed with Endometriosis. Endo lesions were found on her uterus, tubes, ovaries, pelvic ligaments & her bladder. She deals with horrendous chronic pain every day. It has affected every part of her life; from not being able to attend school, to loosing friends, deteriorating mental Healthcar and even to not being able to take care of her daily hygiene on her own. She needs help. She needs a way to live life, because this is not living. This is barely surviving.
This medical fund will ensure we have the means to get her the help and care she needs to hopefully live a pain free life; or at least live a life with less pain than she is currently in every day.
Knowing your way around an Emergency Room or your kid having special "ER" and "Surgery" socks, is not normal and never should be. Ever. For any families that know the pain of this, I am sorry and I hear you. My heart breaks.
She hates her body. She just wants to be free of it.
She wants to live the life of a normal teenager.
She wants to Not be required to take medication every day.
She wants to have friends.
She wants to go out without fearing her own body.
She wants to go to high school.
She wants to be on the swim team.
She wants a future.
She wants to be free of the pain.
Please consider donating to Tricia's cause if possible; even a dollar helps on this journey. We live about 2hours away from all of Tricia's Doctors/specialists and it can be difficult. We won't give up on finding a solution for her. No one should be in this pain.
If any funds are not used for Tricia's health journey, the remander will be donated to another child suffering from Endo or donated to Endo research.
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