Latest update as of Mar 20, 2023

  • We need help. Please!

    I just want help so I can afford to see my wife every day. If it's a dollar I will be thankful

    We need help. Please!

About this fundraiser

The truth is I have used some of our bill money to go back and forth to see and stay with wife in Miami Valley hospital. Then all so have a 15 year old at home who has school needs food so I make sure he has what he needs while I'm gone. Sometimes my son needs me so I have to drive a 1 ½ hrs back. My car needs a new radiator and two tires. I had a water leak the other day had to drive back again. This is the 4th leak we had this year. Evan though they are small they do damage I have to fix. Plumber said I need to redo the all pipes under the house the pipes were discontinue for cracking easily after bein exposed to temperature. All at once as it always happens. I know it seems like a lot of money but really it's not between my car and plumbing its $4,567.83.  So if you can help thank you. If not it's ok these days money is tight and I understand. Just send a prayer to Laura and Travis Baldwin. Now our home heating system is out. Please help!

Organized by

James Baldwin

Lynn, Indiana 47355, USA
