About this fundraiser

Dear Family and Friends:

For those of you that know me, you all can attest to my love for my family, my fur babies and my giving heart.

Over the last few years I have been challenged by obstacles that I would not wish on my worst enemy.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease and it has progressively got worse over the last few years.

I was officially placed on a nationwide kidney transplant list, as of March 2024. At this moment I have Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease with only 6% kidney function remaining. I have tried to slow down the progression by losing weight and incorporating a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle but that just wasn’t enough. Unfortunately my kidneys are at the point of no return.

In late February 2024 , I had a PD cather placed because my kidney's could not hold on much longer. Unfortunately in May of 2024 I had to start daily dialysis treatments. I hook up every night before bed and stay connected for 8 hours. It doesn't hurt at all and I actually feel much better than I have in long time. Although I am thankful to be alive, I just hate that I have to depend on dialysis to live.

Currently, I am being cared for by the transplant team at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock, AR. The out-of-pocket costs for hospitalizations, anti-rejection medication, and rehabilitation are extraordinarily expensive and extremely stressful.

Your donations will pave a path towards full recovery for me. Please consider a contribution by hitting the DONATE bar and give whatever you can to the “ A Kidney for Jessica❤️” fundraising campaign. Any amount is sincerely appreciated and counted as a blessing. 

If you are interested in donating a kidney please feel free to reach out to me or visit https://apps.uams.edu/LivingDonor/prescreen

Thank you again for all  your love and support.

Organized by

Jessica Lambdin

Cabot, AR, USA
