About this fundraiser

  I am wr to you today with a heavy heart and a glimmer of hope. I have been struggling with the deep-rooted trauma of child sexual abuse, a secret I carried for far too long. From the tender age of 9 to 14, I was subjected to horrific abuse by multiple family members. This unimaginable experience shattered my innocence and left me feeling broken. As a desperate coping mechanism I turned to heroin at the age of 12. This addiction quickly spiraled out of control,leading to my incarceration at the age of 15. I spent five years in an adult prison, a time that felt like an eternity. Released at the age of 20, I was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of adulthood and found myself drawn back into the destructive cycle of addiction. Over the years, I have faced countless challenges including repeated incarcerations and struggles with addiction. However I have also experienced moments of profound transformation. My loving wife has been my unwavering support helping me to overcome my addiction and rebuild my life. Recently, I lost my job of three years, A setback that has felt like a step backward. Determined to stay on the right path, I am actively seeking employment. Unfortunately my lack of transportation is a significant obstacle. I am requesting your assistance in acquiring an E-bike, which would provide me with the mobility I need to search for work and regain my independence. I understand that my story is one of pain and hardship. But it is also a story of resilience and hope. With your support, I can continue to break free from the chains of my past and build a brighter future. Thank you for considering my bequest.       @MeEnsi

Organized by

Chris Smith

Westminster, MD, USA
