About this fundraiser

Ok, I'm asking for an above knee prosthetic leg 🦿,  im still very active as an above knee amputee, for some odd reason, I'm not feeling as athletic as I feel, using the prosthetics that I've been using over the years, for anyone that understands,  it feels like the leg doesn't meet there , it feels like it's dragging to catch up, like my body is ready for the next step, but my prosthetic is way in the back, and not ready to make the next move, it feels sluggish, so it kinda pulls me down, I feel kinda drained, waiting on it , I've been to my prosthetic doctors, they do what is required, for the leg to meet me there for my next step, but trust me I know, even after they make proper adjustments,  it's just still not there, they tell me if we compared legs to cars, so to speak, the leg that I have now, would be considered as a Lexus, and I feel its umm more like a 2006 Lexus, with about 200,000 miles on the dash in 2024 about 41 days away from 2025, if anyone understands,  what it would mean to me to get a prosthesis that can keep up with me, means alot, I have alot to say, and alot to offer , those that do not understan  or is learning to use prosthesis  I know how to use prosthesis well, as an above knee amputee, I know what others needs are in my position, I know what feel they want and or are looking for to make them feel safe and secure,  after leaving doctors office, to return to the real world, it's easy in doctors office, but when you come out, it's a very big difference,  and I understand,  i know what feeling a person wants and or needs to make them feel safe and secure, while walking on so to speak un even grounds, I know!

I know what it feels like to fall 19 times in one day! Not only hurt , but hurt and embarrassed!

While having a regular conversation and woops! Down goes Frazier!

One leg one way and the other leg goes another,

And how painful it feels ,verses how it looks! It looks how did you fall in that position???

I know!

Anyway I have lots to say,

About the use of prosthesis, 

Anyone need more understanding, 

I know…about phantom pains…

I know about cleanliness…

I know about adjustments…

I know about feelings…




I know, how to unlock you from


I know about loneliness…

I can tell who is your friend

And who wants you to buy there friendship

I have alot to offer,

When a person is going through 

When you wanna go out so to speak

With friends

But you feel stuck,

Because you can't move how you normally would

I'm a good listener,

And I have great advice,

If not a solution 

And pray, when it gets rough

I know….

I thank and appreciate any and everyone for your contributions!!!

I would really like offer what I have,

To those on journey with prosthesis!!!

Cash app $Strategic1212 

Cell phone# 267-824-6863 Khayree

Let's rearrange today

Better than yesterday 




Organized by

Khayree Lane

Philadelphia, PA, USA
