About this fundraiser


We sought a second opinion and found someone who would do Arianna’s surgery through our insurance with no hidden fees. Her cyst is actually going down in size so she may not even need surgery at all!  For this reason, we feel we should return the money to the donors. 


Thank you all who donated! You should be seeing the money you donated back into your accounts within the coming weeks.


Original post: 

 daughter Arianna has had many abdominal problems and has been in a lot of pain. the doctors have found a very large cyst on her ovary that is causing the pain and must be removed. She needs a very expensive surgery to remove the cyst and perhaps the ovary as well. The surgery is scheduled for February 4th so we would need the funds by then. 

Any contribution you could make would be greatly appreciated by our family! 

Organized by

Heather Marie Foxwell

Sparks, NV, USA
