About this fundraiser

Update: we have received some assistance from an agency there which covers about 20 percent of our needs  ❤️🙏

My wife's father passed, and she is in desperate need of a small bit of help. Her parents are from Philippines and her father passed there, which is why the amount seems small by US standards. We have just recently run into some financial hardships which keep us from being able to help more than a bit ourselves, and this amount is what remains. We need this help in days as the funeral and burial must be paid before he is buried or they won't do it. She is desperately seeking help all day every day from any agency she can find and help is slow to nonexistent. 


This would be a major godsend as this family is poor beyond American understanding. When I met them they didn't even have a roof in their house, which still lacks doors, windows, floors, plumbing. The entire family of 13 people eat on 50 dollars American every week. I can't begin to tell you the hardship this burial cost creates, and the depth of appreciation they would feel. 

Any small amount adds up and helps. Even a prayer would be more than we could ask. Thank you so very much for taking time to read this. ❤️

Organized by

Paul Payne

Captain Cook, HI, USA
