On January 18th my sister Carrie started throwing up uncontrollably and complaining about server stomach pain,at first my parents and I thought she just had a bad stomach bug. After about two hours my sister Carrie insisted that she needed to go to the hospital. So my mom called the ambulance,it's a good thing we called when she did because the doctors said that she was just minutes away from dying. At the ER the hospital doctors thought at first that she had a bowl obstruction, after more testing they discovered that she had server pancreatitis and fluid around her heart. Doctor Howe a stomach surgeon was called in. He felt her stomach and said that she had to have emergency surgery right away. So he rushed her into surgery right then. She is currently home and doing ok,she does have a open hole in her stomach and has a wound vac.she has home health nurses coming out twice a week. She is currently on a special diet since she can only eat small amounts.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Noelle Olguin Ramos
Morven, GA, USA
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